NSG Commando. How To Join
NSG Commando. How To Join

How to Join NSG? Simple Guidance to Join National Security Guard.

How to join NSG?

In India, there are several different security forces, however the National Security Guard, or NSG, ranks at the top of the list. One of those strong nations with the top security and military forces is India. Intensive training will be provided to this group of commandos so they are prepared to tackle any security difficulties or terrorist strikes that may befall India. They are not typically applied in all circumstances. They only receive training for managing unique circumstances where there is no room for error or failure. The best commandos are NSG Commandos, commonly known as Men in Black or Black Cat Commandos.

To combat all dimensions of terrorism in the nation, the NSG is a “Federal Contingency Deployment Force.” It is not designed to replace “the functions of the State Police Forces or other Para Military Forces” as it is a specialised counterterrorism force that should only be employed “in extreme situations.” Nevertheless, its function has grown over time to now include giving powerful politicians personal security regardless of the threat they really face.

What is National Security Guard (NSG)?

If you are unfamiliar with the National Security Guards, you should be clear that it was created in 1984. This team of commandos deals with terrorism or internal security operations. It is a Ministry of Home Affairs Unit thing (MHA). This unit was created exclusively for “Operation Blue Star,” which aimed at defending the nation against the internal instability caused on by any terrorist threat.

NSG is a force that combats terrorism and is prepared to act in unusual circumstances. They are skilled in handling risky and challenging situations to protect the country’s security and safety.

As a counterterrorism unit, NSG commandos respond to any invasion intended to cause harm. The NSG Commandos receive training for a variety of tasks, including hijacking in the water or the air. They have received training in bomb disposal, post-blast investigations, and hostage rescue operations.

In order to combat terrorism in our nation, a new task force was established in 1984 by the Union Cabinet. Two years later, in August, a measure to create the same was introduced. On September 22, 1986, the National Security Guard force was ultimately established after the president approved the bill.

Typically, they have no desire to meddle with or control any local militaries or police forces. The NSG commando is renowned for having exceptional traits including speed, power, perfectionism, hasty decision-making, surprise factor, etc.

They go by the name Phantoms and are also referred to as NSG Commandos or Black Cat Commandos. They are well-trained for any difficult or unexpected circumstance. Once chosen as NSG, even they travel to Israel for higher training.

Not just in extraordinary circumstances where a special task force with the necessary expertise and training is required, commandos are required. We may therefore state that Black Cat Commando only recruits the greatest individuals from other military organisations in the nation.

The hiring process is not particularly straightforward or easy. You must have worked for the Indian defence forces in order to join NSG, which is one of the most crucial eligibility requirements. The Central Armed Police, also referred to as the Indian Army, can also be made up of the CISF, CRPF, SSB, or BSF.

Major Facts To Know About NSG Before The Enrolment.

Join NSG. NSG Commando
NSG Commando
  • Candidates should be aware that the NSG Recruitment process does not involve any direct examinations. For the purpose of choosing the best candidates for the open positions, a variety of tests, including psychological evaluations and physical exams, are carried out.
  • The number of openings varies annually depending on the needs of the forces, so candidates must only consult the official site to get regular details about any active recruitment drives.
  • Despite the lengthy selection process, there are no entrance exams taken to minimize the number of candidates.
  • The quantity and calibre of the batch will fully determine the number of openings in the two NSG subunits, which are not predetermined.
  • The family is given a pension and other concessions on government services in the event that any servicemen are killed or injured on the field.
  • The average annual wage arrangement for an NSG commando is roughly Rs. 10 lakhs, plus various degrees of bonuses.

Major Points of NSG Job Profile

NSG is a government agency that employs trimming techniques to eliminate terrorists. They are divided into primarily three groups of Indian Commandos based on their specialties and performance throughout the training phase. One can enrol in the following services once the training has been successfully completed. The three divisions that make up the National Security Guard are:

  1. Special Ranger Group (SRG) : Security of VIP/VVIP is the responsibility of the Special Rangers Group. The Indian Army, state police, and the Central Armed police are the main sources from which the organisation chooses its recruits. People who are employed by the Central Industrial Security Forces (CISF), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Border Security Force (BSF), high-ranking police officers, and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) are among those providing supplementary services to the NSG selections (CISF).
  2. Special Action Group (SAG) : The National Security Group’s Special Action Group is in charge of directly thwarting terrorist attacks and hijack activities. It is referred to as the primary offensive attack wing of NSG and its soldiers are only chosen from the Indian Army.
  3. Special Composite Group (SCG) : The Special Composite Group, the third subunit of the NSG, combats terrorism and international disturbances. For counterterrorism activities, this squad is active in India’s major cities of Hyderabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Gandhinagar.


Eligibility Criteria to Join NSG


Join NSG | NSG Commando With Dog

The following are the fundamental prerequisites for joining any of the three NSG Groups previously mentioned :

  • Candidates must hold a graduate degree in any subject area.
  • Only Indian citizens can apply.
  • Candidates must have worked for the Indian defence forces.
  • While candidates for the police force must have a minimum of five years of service, the Indian Army only need three years of service.
  • Candidates can join the Indian Armed Forces either through the UPSC’s CDS and CAPF test or through any other state selection process.
  • The applicant must be under 35 years old on the date of the application in order to join one of the three NSG divisions. The age restriction is not relaxed because it is unaffected by any quota.


Detailed Information About Salary And Benefits After Joining NSG

The Indian Armed Forces are renowned for offering their staff members the highest salaries and benefits. The National Security Guard commando receives a fixed stipend of 18,000/- per month while they are in training and after they have finished it. Their pay ranges from 40,000 to 85,000 based on their position, type of work, and other factors.

The possibility of receiving a great salary and a number of incentives has become one of the motives that many people are searching for details on how to join NSG. Besides from commando, the most prominent positions available through NSG Hiring are listed in the table1 along with respective typical wages. The positions offered are deputation-only ones.

Post Income
Photo Specialist (ACI) Rs. 5 – 6 lakhs approx.
JE (Elect/Hort/Civil) Rs. 5 – 6 lakhs approx.
Stenographer Grade D Rs. 3 – 3.5 lakhs approx.
NDBC Lab Assistant Rs. 3 – 3.5 lakhs approx.
Radiologists Rs. 6 – 7 lakhs approx.
Specialist Medical Officer Rs. 7.5 – 10 lakhs approx.
Commando Rs. 10 lakhs approx.

In addition to the pay that one receives while serving, there are a lot more bonuses and privileges :

  • Travel reimbursements
  • Dearness Payments
  • Facilities for Canteen
  • Free Accommodation at the Government Quarter
  • Free educational resources for their kids.
  • Medical Services
  • Permanent pension Kit maintenance benefits
  • Field Area Payments
  • High Altitude Allowances for Parachutes
  • Particular Forces
  • 2 month annual leave
  • 20-Day Temporary Leave
  • Concession for rail and air travel
  • Free medical services
  • loans with a low APR


How to Join NSG? Selection Procedure for Joining NSG

Many candidates are perplexed because the organisation doesn’t have a traditional hiring process. The NSG Selection Process requires candidates to pass a number of examinations after they have met the eligibility requirements. There are three stages to the selecting processes and criteria. To receive the NSG selection letter, candidates must pass each phase.

Stage 1 : pre selection requirements

The following are the requirements established by the Ministry of Home Affairs for hiring NSG commandos:

  • 5 years working in the police department, or at least 3 years working for the Indian Army.
  • The applicant must be under 35 years old at the time of application.
  • Applicants must meet both the organization’s medical and physical criteria.
  • Various physical and psychological tests are carried out to determine a person’s eligibility for becoming a commando.
  • Additionally, it is strictly desirable that the candidates’ service records be clear of any red ink markings or other offensive behaviour.

Stage 2 : Selection and training for initial qualification

The candidates must complete two training sessions that are divided into beginner and advanced levels. The NSG Training Center, which is located in Manesar, Haryana, offers a basic training programme that lasts 14 months. On the other hand, advanced training takes nine months to complete. An estimated attrition rate of 70% to 80% is pretty normal because of the rigorous level of training.

Stage 3 : Advanced NSG Training

The candidates must undergo advanced NSG training following their nine-month training period. The advanced NSG training includes the following fundamental categories:

  • Surveillance and gathering of intelligence
  • Advanced infiltration methods
  • Knife fighting and unarmed conflict
  • Procedures for bomb disposal and demolition
  • Mirror shooting, rapid fire, and reflexive shooting

After receiving extra specialised training, the shortlisted candidates serve for three to five years.

Important Tips if You are Planning to Join NSG

The NSG conducts comprehensive training programmes and a thorough selection process, although there is also a huge list of traits that are necessary for selection. For better understanding, the following attributes of highly favoured candidates are listed:

  • Having quick reflexes and being able to focus : The defence industry seeks applicants who can react to any scenario in the shortest amount of time, which calls for focus skills. Applicants can enrol in a variety of combat training courses to develop their reflexes.
  • Fitness level : The most crucial prerequisite for any kind of defence force is physical fitness. The NSG training, one of the toughest in the world, puts candidates’ stamina to the test. It takes endurance and resolve to operate under the demanding operating conditions and lengthy hours. Candidates for the position are urged to concentrate on their stamina concurrently with improving their endurance after enlisting in the armed forces to make the process easier.
  • Being patient and managing situations : Because of their work, commandos frequently find themselves in extremely dangerous situations that need all of their focus. The candidate’s ability to remain patient in such a situation without losing productivity is important. Different psychological techniques are used to assess how the brain functions in such a stressful setting.
  • Active concentration and order-following: It is imperative that one be able to accurately listen to instructions and take action when given. Good concentration span candidates are more likely to finish the training exercises. Through a variety of mental activities, one can develop this trait.
  • Self-assurance and Critical Thinking: Candidates must be confident in both themselves and the operation while working in the field or during operations. The tense situation raises the chance of doubt, which could have an impact on the entire team.
  • Thus, in order to join NSG, aspirants must also demonstrate their confidence. Since they must use their reasoning abilities to arrive at various options, the candidates’ reasoning abilities also play a crucial role in the successful completion of the missions.
  • Working as a team : Each commando in the NSG force is a member of a larger unit, and teamwork rather than individualism is essential to the organization’s smooth operation. The applicants must be logical, capable of completing their assignments, and exhibit teamwork. Without any emotional influence, they must have a clear objective.
  • Technical Proficiency: A candidate’s preference for selection may increase if they have the necessary knowledge on how to use the most basic technology. An intermediate level of understanding is required to operate electrical equipment and other fundamental technologies connected to lab work. Simply by doing research and, if possible, practising on the equipment, candidates can raise their degree of technology savvy.
  • Acceptance of Criticism: Being an NSG commando is a very hard job, and candidates must be able to take harsh criticism from superiors in order to succeed. The way they respond to such criticism affects how far along the candidate will go. They ought to be able to think about the topic without becoming emotionally conflicted or taking the situation personally.
  • Factor of Self-discipline: It takes a significant degree of self-discipline to be completely in control of one’s behaviour and to be able to keep one’s composure under duress. The “ready to act” philosophy of NSG calls for people who can handle themselves in a variety of situations. Anyone can simply begin with simple exercises to develop self-discipline and work their way up to more difficult levels with perseverance.
  • Dedication: It is one of the top qualifications for joining any branch of the armed forces. The most important component is the candidate’s determination, which reveals the candidate’s genuine potential because it cannot be forced upon someone. They are subjected to a variety of tests to gauge the candidates’ receptivity and tenacity.
  • NSG value demand: Respect for the post, devotion to the service, honesty, individual fortitude, a dedicated approach, and honour are just a few of the non-negotiable ideals and values that are fundamental to the NSG.

Few people get the chance to join the National Security Guard, so it is impossible for everyone to comprehend the opportunity. However, with drive and motivation, aspirants can grasp the concept and give their best effort during the selection process. Candidates from a variety of different areas can also join NSG by following the aforementioned path to eligibility.

The NSG commandos are known as “The Black Cats” due to their demanding working environments and thorough training methods.


Despite the fact that the training phase is challenging and demanding, candidates can make it a little easier by being aware of it and training themselves on a personal level. The experts’ advice on the total demand by the NSG can be quite helpful in helping candidates choose their goal and chosen subunit.

It requires a lot of hard work and determination to become an NSG Commando. It will be necessary for one to be his best self. You must pursue your goals if you are passionate about this. Keep in mind that the process will take time, so do your best to maintain good health. In this universe, anything is conceivable. You can accomplish this if others have done so. Improve your preparation and join this esteemed organisation. 

Frequently asked questions :

Question 1. Can foreign citizens apply for the  NSG Recruitment?

Ans. No civilians or foreign nationals may apply for the open positions because NSG recruiting only occurs within the current Indian armed services.

Question 2. What date will the NSG Recruitment start happening?

Ans. There is currently no information available about any forthcoming hiring campaigns. For additional information, candidates must visit the official website.

Question 3. How should I study for the written examination for the NSG Recruitment?

Ans. For the purpose of choosing qualified applicants, no written exam is given. In order to be considered for selection, candidates must show up for a variety of physical assessments and psychological tests.

Question 4. Where will all the applicants who were chosen for the NSG Recruitment be posted?

Ans. NSG commandos are sent anywhere the home ministry believes there may be a threat from terrorism.

Question 5. What organisations are included in Black Cat Commando?

Ans. National Bomb Data Center, Special Action Group, Special Ranger Group, and Special Composite Group.

Question 6. What is Black Cat Commando’s other name?

Ans. Another name for them is phantoms.

Question 7. What is NSG Commando’s annual salary?

Ans. An NSG commando makes an average of INR 10 Lakh per year in pay.

Question 8. What height is required for NSG commando?

Ans. The candidate must be at least 157 cm tall.

Question 9. How can I join the NSG after my 12th grade?

Ans. There is no longer any chance to apply for the National Security Guard Commando after 12th. The minimal criteria to enrol for the NSG is graduation.

Question 10. Who exactly is Black Cat Commando?

Ans. In addition to Army personnel, we routinely observe “Black Cat Commandos” being used in VIP security. These are National Security Guard (NSG) members, the toughest soldiers selected through the strictest processes.

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