SSB gives people GTO tasks, which stand for “Group Testing Officer” tasks, to see how well they can work together in a group setting. The SSB planned and carried out a total of nine tasks. The candidates have been judged on several different criteria, and the final result shows how well the candidate can work in a team and become a team player as a whole.
Those who do well on the written test for the Indian Army are asked to come in for an interview. After the SSB Interview, the GTO tasks are done three to four days later. But not every person who wants to join the Indian Army will get in. People in the selection process don’t know what the GTO Tasks In SSB are and how to do them well. So, to clear up all the candidates’ questions about it, we wrote this unique article about the different kinds of GTO Tasks that the SSB gives.
During the five-day Service Selection Board (SSB) interview process, the candidate is given nine GTO Tasks In SSB on days 3 and 4 as a test to see how well they work on their own and as part of a team. These nine tasks are
- Group Discussion (GD)
- GPE or MPE group/military planning exercise:-
- Progressive group task (PGT)
- Snake race
- Lecturette
- Half group task(HGT)
- Individual Obstacles
- Command task
- Final Group Task (FGT)
GTO Tasks In SSB: Group Discussion (GD)
Group tasks are run by a Group Testing Officer (GTO). The first of these tasks is Group Discussion (GD). In this task, the group is given ssb gd topics, and the candidates have to have an informal, friendly conversation about those topics.
Unlike the group discussion on the first day of the screening test, candidates don’t have to come to the same conclusion here. Instead, they can disagree based on what they think about the given ssb gd topics. Here, the candidates in the group can give their opinions formally or informally. The most important thing that the GTO notices is that all of the candidates are actively participating in the discussion and making comments that are related to the SSB gd topics.
Tips to prepare for GTO Tasks In SSB: Group Discussion (GD)
- Be an active listener on social networks. This will help you learn more.
- Should know the basics of what’s going on in the world; use social networking sites to find out what’s popular.
- Be a good communicator by listening, speaking at the right time, using English that is easy to understand, and putting your ideas across in the group in the simplest way possible.
- Respect how other candidates feel about sb gd topics and think about how to respond to them.
- It’s not a big deal if you don’t know much about SSB gd topics. A candidate who doesn’t know much may not be able to start the discussion, but that doesn’t mean he or she can’t take part. All he or she needs to do is listen to what others are saying, pick out the keywords, and give a general idea about those keywords.
GTO Tasks In SSB: Progressive Group Task PGT
PGT involves placing a series of obstacles on the ground in a predetermined area, and members of a team are required to traverse each obstacle by a predetermined set of regulations. The G.T.O. provides certain assisting items, such as Balli (a wooden log), Plank, and rope to tie them together, so that the characters may traverse the barriers. The challenge of the undertaking becomes progressively tougher when one hurdle is overcome and then another. As a result, we have given it the term Progressive Group Task.
Tips to prepare for GTO Tasks In SSB: Progressive Group Task PGT
- As soon as the GTO tells you to start, run to the starting line where the help materials are set up. Don’t move as slowly as a snail. Move faster.
- When you run, you’ll be able to grab any helpful items.
- You must grab the plank, the ball, or the rope and start working right away.
- Please don’t take the load and try to get your hands on the tools, because you won’t be able to start the work until you have them.
- You must ask other people in your group to help you build your bridge. You can’t do it on your own.
- If someone else has started building the bridge, you need to support them with your ideas and your physical help.
- Don’t just stand around and watch the other members do it. You have to take part and look like you’re taking part.
- Sign up to be the first person to cross the bridge and get others to follow. If someone isn’t sure, you should encourage them and help them cross.
- While you’re working and cheering people on, you need to be loud enough for the GTO to hear you. Only then will he think you’re involved.
- You must always look like you’re working and try not to be idle for even a second.
- When the GTO tells you where to go, he might ask, “Okay, now I’ll tell you the rules for PGT. Does anyone already know them?” Then don’t try to be too smart and say “Yes,” since this is your first Outdoor task and you don’t know the rules yet.
- Do not ask the GTO silly questions like how far 3–4 feet is. At your age, you should be able to figure that out on your own.
GTO Tasks In SSB: Snake Race
Snake Race, also known as Group Obstacle Race (GOR), is one of the most exciting and thrilling parts of a group test. It’s interesting because it looks like fighting a war with other people. All the groups have to race through a set of six obstacles while carrying a tent that looks like a snake when it’s rolled up. At most, four groups can take part at once. Each of the four teams has its channel. This is a task with a fast pace, and the candidates will be very excited about it.
Tips to prepare or rules to follow for GTO Tasks In SSB: Snake Race
- Once the snake or the load is picked up at the starting line, it can’t be put back down until the end line. The snake shouldn’t be cut or folded in any way.
- When the snake is running, it must stay parallel to the ground.
- All of the candidates should be holding the snake while running from one obstacle to the next, and at least three candidates should be holding the snake while crossing the obstacle.
- Even if you get past the obstacle first, you should wait until everyone else has done so before going to the next one.
- Some parts of the obstacle will be red, and you should NOT touch those parts. If any rule is broken, the GTO will do something about it.
GTO Tasks In SSB: Lecturette
During the SSB interview, candidates take a test called “lecturette” to find out what kind of person they are. We can say that a lecturette is a short speech or talk given by a candidate. During a group task, the GTO leads the lecturette. Here, a candidate is given a card with 4 of the SSB Lecturette topics on it. The candidate then has to talk for 3 minutes about one of the topics on the card.
During the Lecturette, a candidate has the chance to impress the GTO by showing off his or her good personality. The GTO expects the candidate to have good facial expressions, good body language, fluency, and confidence. In this test, knowing more always helps you do better, and to do that, candidates must be up-to-date on current events.
Tips on GTO Tasks In SSB: Lecturette
- Learn about frequently asked questions and hot topics in India and around the world.
- Be sure of yourself when giving a lecturette. To look sure of yourself, the candidate can do quick, smart things.
- When giving a lecture, keep your body language calm and use your hands and legs as little as possible.
- Always talk to your friends. This will help you become more confident and fluent.
- Being a part of social networking; improves your ability to get information and talk to people.
GTO Tasks In SSB: Half group task (HGT)
HGT is like PGT, but the group is split into two sets instead of just one. So, the GTO will have a close look at how the candidates do. The rules for this are the same as for PGT.
The goal of this task is to find out how well the candidate can lead. Each candidate gets to pick two people from the group. The candidate should have to get past an obstacle with the number of people and resources given to them in the time given. Now that there are only half as many candidates, GTO can look closely at each candidate’s leadership skills.
Also, every candidate has a bigger chance in HGT to show his different personality traits and leadership skills if he didn’t do so in PGT. So you should give HGT a lot of thought because this test will show how good a leader you are. After the HGT, the GTO will have a clear idea of how each candidate is doing, and he will use the next tests to confirm what he has already found.
Tips to prepare for GTO Tasks In SSB: Half group task (HGT)
- Do the tasks without looking at the G.T.O.
- Give the group a good idea if you have one. If you don’t, be honest and help the people who do.
- Never break the rules—what that’s makes G.T.O. tasks work. If you do break a rule, just do the task again.
- Be an active member of the team by doing everything you can to help.
- Be optimistic about your ideas, which means you should think about the ideas of other members if they are better than yours.
GTO Tasks In SSB: Individual obstacles
Individual Obstacles is one of the tasks in the GTO series. It is usually done on the first or second day of GTO testing. As the name suggests, each member of the group does this task on their own. The point of this test is to see if you have the skills, physical toughness, stamina, courage, and determination, and don’t have acrophobia (a fear of heights). It also sees how quickly you can make a decision and act on it.
There are a total of 10 tasks, each of which is different, and the time limit is 3 minutes. If you can get through all 10 obstacles in less than 3 minutes, you can do the task again. From 1 to 10, each obstacle is given a score. The more tasks a candidate completes, the higher his score.
GTO Tasks In SSB: Command task
Before the F.G.T., the Command Task is done. The goal of this task is to find out how well the candidate can lead. Each candidate gets to pick two people from the group. The candidate should have to get past an obstacle with the number of people and resources given to them in the time given.
In the SSB Command Task, a leader can choose between two and three people from the group, but not himself. But usually, ly two people plus the leader is enough. Help is given in the form of a plank and a ball. How hard your command task depends on how well you’ve done in the past. If you get a hard command task, that means you’re doing well in GTO.
Tips to prepare for GTO Tasks in SSB: Command task
- When you talk to your subordinates, be clear and loud.
- Don’t ask for help; figure it out on your own.
- Take care of those under you.
- Make sure you lead from the front and don’t send your subordinates to test an unstable plank. You must instead take the chance.
- Try to use as much helpful information as you can.
GTO Tasks In SSB: Final Group Task (FGT)
The Final Group Task (FGT) is the last in the GTO, and the candidates have to do it as a group. This is long and a little bit harder. So, a lot of time is set aside for planning and carrying it out. All the rules, principles, and instructions are the same as in the Progressive Group Task (PGT).
Tips to prepare for GTO Tasks In SSB: Final Group Task (FGT)
- Do the tasks without looking at the GTO.
- Give the group a good idea. If you don’t have any, be honest and help the people who do.
- Never break the rules. That’s the most important thing about GTO tasks. If you do break a rule, just do the task again.
- Be an active member of the team by doing everything you can to help.
- Be optimistic about your ideas, which means you should think about other people’s ideas if they are better than yours.
GTO testing in the SSB interview for the NDA, CDS, AFCAT, and Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant gives important information about each candidate. People get excited because it involves group activities that focus on group dynamics and, of course, a rush of adrenaline. GTO tasks are different from the other two ways of testing because they require the candidate to show his true self through a series of actions that put him under pressure with or without his group and test his ability to think and reason.
Q1. Is GTO In SSB tough?
People say that GTO days are the hardest days in SSB. The main reason is that a candidate has to get his body and mind to work together, which is not easy.
Q2. How do you perform well in GTO SSB?
Think about what you would do if you were in the GPE situation. Run when in the GTO field and as soon as the GTO tells the tasks to start. Show that you’re in a hurry and get the things you’ll need for the next steps. Then, start putting your idea into action as soon as you can.
Q3. What is a progressive group task in SSB?
Progressive Group Task (PGT) is a test of your teamwork, practical knowledge, your determination, your ability to work with others, leadership, your communication skills, ability or try to persuade others, willingness to try new things, and mental and physical stamina.
Q4. What is done in 5 days of SSB?
The Service Selection Board (SSB) holds interviews to decide which candidates from all three forces are good enough to train as commissioned officers.
Q5. What happens after 5 days of SSB?
At the end of the 5th day of the SSB Interview, the candidates who have been “Recommended” are told. All of the recommended candidates must then pass the medical exam, which will be given a few days later. After candidates pass the medical exam, the SSB Board sends them a letter of recommendation.